Source: Boris Johnson Accused Of ‘Thermonuclear Hypocrisy’ In Latest Led By Donkeys Billboard | HuffPost UK
Category: Blog
Austerity to blame for 130,000 ‘preventable’ UK deaths – report | Politics | The Guardian
Source: Austerity to blame for 130,000 ‘preventable’ UK deaths – report | Politics | The Guardian
‘Misleading’ DWP letter causing ill and disabled people to lose benefits | Society | The Guardian
Source: ‘Misleading’ DWP letter causing ill and disabled people to lose benefits | Society | The Guardian
Here’s What US Lobbyists Want Donald Trump To Get From A Post-Brexit Trade Deal | HuffPost UK
Source: Here’s What US Lobbyists Want Donald Trump To Get From A Post-Brexit Trade Deal | HuffPost UK
Sir James Dyson’s Post-Brexit Vision Is Under Fire (Again) As Entrepreneur Quits UK | HuffPost UK
Source: Sir James Dyson’s Post-Brexit Vision Is Under Fire (Again) As Entrepreneur Quits UK | HuffPost UK
UK cannot simply trade on WTO terms after no-deal Brexit, say experts
UK may face seven-year wait for frictionless trade under WTO rules if it crashes out of EU Source: UK cannot simply trade on WTO terms after no-deal Brexit, say experts
Guardian And Politico Caught Printing CIA Lies About Assange
Arrested for what?
Prof Chomsky
Noam Chomsky Condemns Israel’s Shift to Far Right & New “Jewish Nation-State” Law
The Community Media Association is the UK representative body for the community broadcasting sector and is committed to promoting access to the media for people and communities. We enable people to establish and develop community-based communications media for empowerment, cultural expression, information and entertainment. As the UK representative body for the community broadcasting sector, the Community Media Association (CMA) is committed to promoting access to the media for people and communities. We enable people to establish and develop community-based communications media for empowerment, cultural expression, information and entertainment. The CMA…
Israeli Prime Minister Recants Assertion That A Palestinian Inspired The Holocaust
More than a week after he provoked controversy by saying a Palestinian cleric inspired Hitler to carry out the Holocaust, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now says he meant no such thing. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday backtracked from a previous assertion he had made that a leading Palestinian cleric gave Adolf Hitler the idea to murder European jews in the Holocaust — a suggestion that had prompted widespread criticism. Netanyahu had said earlier this month that he had not intended to absolve the Nazi leader of any…
Contract Workers Are Suing Amazon:- buzzfeed
Contract Workers Are Suing Amazon Amazon doesn’t want to be known as a bad employer. But with factory workers striking, corporate employees allegedly crying at their desks, and now, contract employees suing, that’s an increasingly hard case to make. To get packages on your doorstep in less than two hours and make almost any item you can think of available for purchase online, Amazon relies on a massive, diffuse labor network. Some of these workers are contracted by other companies; some of them contract with Amazon; still others are employees. Some…