
The Holographic Universe: Is Our 3D World Just an Illusion?

The Holographic Universe: Is Our 3D World Just an Illusion? Article By Katherine Noyes TechNewsWorld 07/06/11 5:00 AM PT Drawing upon the Holographic Principle, the premise behind the Fermilab project is that space is two dimensional, and that the third dimension is inextricably linked with time. If that’s the case, our 3D world is merely an approximate illusion. Assuming that’s true, the illusion is likely imperfect and blurry, just as photographs and videos are, especially when viewed on a granular level. It’s difficult enough for most humans to grasp the…


  Whatever you see on this planet physically is only a symbol of a conscious creation. Moon gets into phases; it wanes or waxes. When it begins to wane we know that we have new moon ahead; nobody freaks for the darkness of one night or two nights. Then it begins to rise and gets larger and larger then we know we are going to have full moon. So also the period in the Creator’s eye is much larger than the period in an individual physical conception. You’ll find that…

Artificial Intelligence can we keep it in the box

Artificial intelligence – can we keep it in the box?   We know how to deal with suspicious packages – as carefully as possible! These days, we let robots take the risk. But what if the robots are the risk? Some commentators argue we should be treating AI (artificial intelligence) as a suspicious package, because it might eventually blow up in our faces. Should we be worried? Exploding intelligence? Asked whether there will ever be computers as smart as people, the US mathematician and sci-fi author Vernor Vinge replied: “Yes,…


AVADEH that’s yiddish with many meanings ,but hear let it read WHY NOT? iT’S NOT HERE I WANT TO WRITE BUT TO MY FAMILY IN iSRAEL ,SO SINCE THIS IS A PREGNANT TIME 72 HOURS BEFORE THE VOTE.So i shall be broadcasting on Rainbow Radio ,just an ordinary joe’s take on the road to US all becoming friends. Won’t be easy because disputing and deriding had been the norm for many a year .Adiyos and good fortune oh friends.