
ISIS Is Not A Threat To The West (but will be)

American intelligence agencies have concluded that it poses no immediate threat to the United States. Some officials and terrorism experts believe that the actual danger posed by ISIS has been distorted in hours of television punditry and alarmist statements by politicians, and that there has been little substantive public debate about the unintended consequences of expanding American military action in the Middle East

Zero hours contracts

News UK news Zero-hours contracts Vince Cable moves to ban zero-hours contract exclusivity clauses Bill introduced on Wednesday aims to clamp down on abuses, but critics say it is not enough to fully protect workers Share 152 inShare25 Email Phillip Inman, economics correspondent The Guardian, Wednesday 25 June 2014 Jump to comments (434) zero hours Vince Cable has announced moves to ban exclusivity clauses in the contracts. Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian Vince Cable has warned “unscrupulous employers” that he would ban clauses in zero-hours contracts that prevent workers…

The whole world and entire population of this planet

The whole world and entire population of this planet – what is happening. You’ll never find a nation satisfied with its government, one or the other part is always in a state of turbulence; either labor or students or housewives or women in general – women’s lib – or peace movement which is very militant. Aren’t these things happening? Peace movement is very militant. So if you seek peace you have to become peaceful and purge all kinds of hostility even against the hostile people. If you can do that…

Free audio software

Here are more free software for you to try, one of these applications should suit you, unless you are hoping to use more than 16 tracks simultaneously, in which case you might need to spend some cash for a pro application.   1 Wavosaur This compact free audio editor and recorder doesn’t need to be installed and can run on Windows 98, XP, and Vista. It has a good set of tools for editing digital audio files, has several useful effects, and can handle MP3, WAV,OGG, aif, aiff, wavpack, au/snd,…

Audacity tutorials

Audacity is a free, easy-to-use and multilingual audio editor and recorder for Windows,Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to: Record live audio. Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files. Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. Change the speed or pitch of a recording. Quick link Download audacity software How to download and Install How to make your first Podcast To save in MP3 format you will need to install the lame plugin this…


38 Degrees | NHS: protect out of hours services Private companies like Serco and Care UK are putting GP out of hours service in danger. They’ve been cashing in on contracts to provide GP services at the weekend and overnight. And it looks like they’ve not been doing a proper job – and lives are at risk as a result. It’s time to rein in these greedy companies. There’s a powerful committee of MPs that has the power to do a proper investigation into their behaviour – and stop them…

Time banks and the new creative economy

  Time banks and the new creative economy From musicians to health workers, huge numbers of people can benefit from the skill-sharing and cooperation that timebanking generates Music was always a co-operative business, happening not so much in the black economy but in the mutual one, where friends help out friends and no one takes too much notice of who owes whom. And the range of new websites and ideas about how music can work – in an age when the music industry as we have known it in recent decades is…